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Direct Debit for Gyms

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Direct Debit for Gyms

It’s well known that Aussies love their fitness, with nearly 50% of Australians between the ages of 18 to 24 recorded using gyms, fitness centres, and sports clubs in 2022. But with the rising cost of living and life stressors, customers are not just looking for the standard gym session from their fitness providers, they’re also looking for flexibility, convenience, and reliability. Biz Core understands this and that’s why we offer direct debit for gyms. Our reliable direct debit payment system for gym memberships is designed to provide your customers with a hassle-free experience while you grow your business. And there’s no denying that a happy customer base = a successful business!

gym members taking selfies; direct debit for gyms | Biz Core

Why use direct debit for gym memberships?

More manageable payments = more sign ups

Understandably, customers can be uncomfortable with paying a large lump sum. It’s much more appealing, and feasible, to make smaller payments over an agreed period of time. That’s why with smaller direct debit instalments, customers are more likely to agree to a membership.


Now more than ever customers are drawn to services that offer flexibility and a sense of control over their budget. Customers value services that are adaptable to their circumstances and the ever-changing economic climate. Biz Core’s direct debit payment system offers your customers the flexibility and peace of mind they need. With 24/7 access and the ability to change payment schedules to weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or one-off your customers will feel in control of their finances, and you can enjoy a more consistent cash flow.

Simplified customer management

Forget messy paper applications, confusing excel documents, and laborious paper ledgers. Customers want fast sign ups, easy updates, user-friendly systems, and accurate information.

Our direct debit system offers the automation and customer management features that will save you valuable time and money, while ensuring you provide a superior customer experience. Happy customers are loyal customers!

With Biz Core’s direct debit payment system, you’ll be able to:

  • Automatically log your customers’ contact information, tracking the date they signed up
  • Monitor their payment history and instantly handle failed payments
  • Change payment details and schedule
  • Send out automated receipts, reminders, and notices
  • Record customer interactions
  • Upload and store documents
  • Send e-signature documents
  • + More

Data security

In this digital era, information and data security are at the forefront of customers’ minds. In Australia, 83% of customers report that they are concerned about the data security of their service providers. So, by using a direct debit payment system that has built-in data protection, you can offer your customers a convenient and secure way to pay.

At Biz Core, we take data security seriously. That’s why our direct debit processing platform is safeguarded using the multilayered Microsoft Azure Cloud Security. With built-in security controls and real-time global cybersecurity intelligence, our system rapidly identifies and stops new threats.


Direct debit vs credit card

Life is always busy and it’s all too easy to forget a payment or miss an invoice. That’s why setting up a convenient and automatic direct debit is beneficial for both businesses and their customers. Not only will it increase cash flow for businesses, but it will also save customers the stress of missed payments, late fees, and membership cancellations.

Contact Biz Core today for more information and a live demo!



Can you get a gym membership with a debit card?

Yes, with Biz Core’s direct debit payment system customers are able to pay via credit card, debit card, or direct debit.

Can I just cancel a direct debit for gym?

If a customer wishes to cancel their direct debit, they will need to contact your business first. With Biz Core’s payment processing platform, you can manage customer payment preferences at any time with ease, so setting up or cancelling direct debits is hassle-free.


Contact Biz Core today for a live demo.

Does cancelling a gym direct debit affect credit rating?

Cancelling your gym direct debit will not affect your credit rating. However, if you fail to pay your membership fees and accumulate overdue balances, your details may be referred to a debt collection agency which would negatively impact your credit score.